PADI Showcase of Manuals in Egypt

16 Aug

In May 2012 Divers Down Under cre­ated a ‘PADI Book Sta­tion’ mar­ket­ing dis­play, built and installed with the help of Regional Man­ager Mat­teo Bram­billa. Divers Down Under is a PADI 5* IDC cen­ter located in Dahab, South Sinai, Egypt. 

PADI Show Case

DDU staff attended a work­shop with Mat­teo, to dis­cuss the impor­tance of sell­ingPADI course man­u­als to each indi­vid­ual diver, both for pric­ing as a key fac­tor in oper­at­ing a suc­cess­ful dive busi­ness and for meet­ing the require­ments of PADI train­ing stan­dards. To sup­port their enthu­si­asm and to gen­er­ate more busi­ness by pro­mot­ingPADI man­u­als, the Book Sta­tion was designed specif­i­cally for DDU by Mat­teo, pro­vid­ing a unique and high-impact visual dis­play for the DDU store.

A large part of the suc­cess of the PADI sys­tem is the struc­ture and pro­fes­sion­al­ism of the train­ing pro­grams and the strength of the sup­port­ing mate­ri­als. It is the inten­tion of PADI that stu­dents have access to the lat­est edu­ca­tional mate­ri­als and also that they have the oppor­tu­nity to retain these after the course for future ref­er­ence. For those who do not dive on a reg­u­lar basis, hav­ing access to the PADIOpen Water Diver man­ual gives them a ref­er­ence guide prior to going back into the water. For any Dive Cen­tre oper­at­ing in a busy tourist loca­tion, uti­liz­ing the PADItrain­ing mate­ri­als and PADI brand­ing which is rec­og­nized world­wide is an added advantage.

Mat­teo says: “I think this is a great oppor­tu­nity for any PADI Cen­ter and if you are inter­ested please drop me a line to dis­cuss a tai­lor made solu­tion for your business” [Region Egypt and Mid­dle East]

Left-Right: Samir Ash­mawy, Mat­teo Bram­billa and Emad Ash­mawy with the fin­ished display

The DDU PADI Book Sta­tion dis­play pro­vides a great talk­ing point in the dive cen­tre, giv­ing staff a demon­stra­tion tool to use when talk­ing to cus­tomers about con­tin­u­ing their dive train­ing with them. Being able to show divers the mate­ri­als they will use in each course is also a great way to encour­age them to con­tinue their div­ing expe­ri­ence.  They can see the the­ory require­ments and under­stand the excit­ing expe­ri­ences they will explore dur­ing their PADI course with DDU, while enjoy­ing a fan­tas­tic hol­i­day and incred­i­ble div­ing in Dahab.

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